Attention! Fake e-mails are circulating in the name of KreativMedia   Find out more


Customer satisfaction is our company philosophy!

At Kreativmedia, you get everything you need to grow online. We are by your side and help you to be successful!

Photo: Team Member

Head of Development

Rudi Almouhammed
Photo: Team Member

Customer Support

Robie Atienza
Photo: Team Member

Digital Marketing & Design

Dominic Barker
Photo: Team Member

Head of Customer Support

Thomas Faucheux
Photo: Team Member

Customer Support

Susan Handke
Photo: Team Member

Customer Support & Development

Alexandre Maurer
Photo: Team Member

Founder & CEO

Olivier Meylan
Photo: Team Member

Customer Support

Sara Mück
Photo: Team Member

Customer Support

Iswara Ramaswami

You've come to the right place

Web hosting has been our core business for more than 20 years. You can rely on a wealth of knowledge and a high degree of continuity. Some customers have been with us since our company was founded.


We are internet professionals. Further training and a lot of practical experience allow us to constantly develop ourselves further. We will find the right answers to all your questions.


Our support team will communicate with you in German, French or English - whichever you prefer - and explain complicated issues to you in simple terms.

We offer you solutions that are tailored to your needs

With a strong price-performance ratio and reliable support, we offer comprehensive services. We are prepared for potential hosting problems and guarantee fast, transparent solutions so that your website always remains accessible.

For the sake of the environment

KreativMedia works exclusively with "naturemade star"-certified green electricity from the electricity works of the city of Zurich. We made a conscious decision to use ewz.ökopower.


We are thus promoting the renovation and construction of hydropower plants to the highest ecological standards as well as the construction of further solar power plants.

For the people

KreativMedia is committed to Procap, Switzerland's largest membership association for people with disabilities. It represents the interests of people with disabilities and is committed to helping them help themselves to integrate socially, professionally and in society.

Our partners